Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Easier Stool Collection Gives Better Quality Samples For You

Many valuable diagnostic tests depend on measurement of biomarkers found in faecal samples, but obtaining this material can sometimes be awkward for patients.

The EasySampler® makes collection of a faecal sample simple and quick, without any mess. The clever design fits perfectly to any toilet bowl and prevents contamination by water, urine or menstrual blood. The user simply peels back the tabs and sticks the EasySampler to the toilet bowl as shown in the instructions, then uses the toilet as normal. After collecting the sample, the tabs are released and everything is flushed away.

EasySampler is available bulk packed without instructions, bagged singly with instructions or in the convenient Mini kit or Triple kit form.

  • Easy to use, hygienic stool collection

  • Disposable - simply flush away after use

  • Avoids contamination - more accurate results

  • Increased uptake on screening due to ease of use

  • Both nurses and patients have contributed to the development

The European Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening and Diagnosis suggests more patients will be invited to participate in the future, meaning more iFOBTs (immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Tests) will be performed. Making collection of a stool sample easier to do should result in greater uptake, and avoiding contamination means fewer test repeats and greater confidence in results.

Find out more at www.alphalabs/easysampler.

For further advice contact us to discuss your application, obtain a customised quotation or request a sample. Contact Alpha Laboratories on 0800 38 77 32 or email

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Alpha Laboratories Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on June 4, 2013