Condalab new qPCR kits for Condagene product line

Simple New Multi-Test System Detects Bacteria in <7 Hours

Hygiena International Ltd has launched the EnSURE; a small portable rapid detection system that can make several different test measurements using a new bioluminogenic test principle. The tests include Micro-Snap, Zymo-Snap and Super-Snap.

Micro-Snap products will provide test results, indicating single figure organisms, in just 7 hours. They can be used to verify surface cleaning efficacy in industrial processing applications, plus product quality and safety for raw materials, processed food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products together with both potable and process water supplies.

The system utilises a new bioluminogenic test principle in their existing patented snap valve device with a more sensitive luminometer, called EnSURE. The system has been validated for the detection of specific bacteria including Coliform, Enterobacteriaceae and E.coli at very low levels and in a variety of sample types. A new formulation and re-arrangement of the established ATP bioluminescence biochemistry, coupled to specific substrates, now enables the technology to detect specific bacteria with high sensitivity. Enzymes (such as beta-Galactosidase and beta-Glucuronidase) that are characteristic of specific target bacteria, utilise these substrates in a process that releases light which is detected in the sensitive EnSURE handheld luminometer.

This unique, portable and self-contained package de-skills and simplifies the microbiological testing process, while maintaining sensitivity and particularly high specificity. Testing can be undertaken by an individual in laboratory conditions, but can also be successfully applied at field or site locations by health and safety technicians without the need for additional personnel or laboratory equipment.

Coliforms and E.coli are important indicators of hygiene, quality and safety. The detection of low levels of specific bacterial contamination can be determined and measured within a normal working 8 hour shift using the Micro-Snap system; whereas other test methods can take up to 1 - 2 days to show results. Additional diagnostic bioluminogenic substrates under investigation are being engineered to detect pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, MRSA and ESBL.

Hygiena Zymo-Snap detects enzymes of industrial importance such as Alkaline Phosphatase, providing a 5 minute test of pasteurisation efficiency for food safety in the dairy industry.

The new Super-Snap provides the greatest sensitivity and robustness for surface hygiene monitoring for the most demanding cleaning verification applications such as allergen control programs.

The EnSURE instrument together with Micro-Snap, Zymo-Snap and Super-Snap provides a simple, rapid, multi-test platform with many industrial applications and is particularly well suited for the dairy industry because several key quality and safety tests can all be performed on the same low cost system.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Hygiena International Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on January 25, 2011