Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

Astral™ Inoculation System for Safety, Convenience and Economy

The disposable Bio Plas Astral™ Inoculation System is color coded and consists of the following; 1 uL yellow Astral Loop, 10 uL blue Astral Loop and white Astral Streaking Needle.

During manufacturing, these Astral Loops are inserted into racks which have 96 individual tubular chambers. When the 96 chambers are filled with the Astral Loops they are then hermetically sealed with a thin plastic membrane. A dust cover is placed over this 96 chamber rack, heat shrunk and sterilized by irradiation.

Additionally all Astral Loops are certified to be free of RNase, DNase, DNA, pyrogens and PCR inhibitors.

Every case of 10 racks of 96 Loops is supplied with a free Astral Handle.

The handle is designed to be used with one hand and will easily puncture the covering plastic membrane and attach itself to the hub of the Astral™ Loop. It may then be withdrawn from its individual sterile chamber ready to be used for inoculation or streaking. When the inoculation or streaking process is complete, the Astral™ Loop or Astral™ Streaking Needle may then be ejected off the Astral ™Handle.

This easy to use and ruggedly designed Astral Handle may be autoclaved repeatedly, without damage to the handle.

SAFETY: Astral Loops eliminate the metal or wire loop flaming step and the hazards of splattering, cross-contamination, the risk of infectious pathogens caused as a result of aerosols, and the hazards of open flame.

CONVENIENCE: All Astral Loops may be quickly extracted from the sterilized rack by using the Astral Handle. These Astral Loops are flexible enough to facilitate streaking but rigid enough to penetrate the media for inoculation.

TIME SAVINGS: The Astral Inoculation System allows the technologist to inoculate prepared plates at an extremely rapid rate in any laboratory setting or condition, i.e., anaerobic chambers, fume hoods, satellite labs or, in the field.

ECONOMY: The savings can be substantial; fewer plates used, guaranteed sterility and cleanliness, zero cross-contamination and speed of use

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : BIO Plas, Inc. View Company Information

Posted on March 7, 2005