Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

DWS Masters Automated Barcode Labelling

Labelmaster II
Don Whitley Scientific announces the launch of Labelmaster II® - an automated system for labelling and organising culture media samples in clinical, food and pharmaceutical testing laboratories.

Designed to print and affix barcode labels to Petri dishes, Labelmaster II helps laboratory staff identify and sort samples quickly, easily and accurately. The pneumatic plate delivery system allows up to 1000 plates per hour to be processed and sorted with improved speed and accuracy. An optional storage unit increases this capacity to 1900 if required.
Clear and standardized labelling means fewer mistakes, full traceability of media batches and reduced human error. Tedious and repetitive work is managed and automated to free staff for more specialist tasks.

Labels are printed and applied directly to the underside edge of the sample plates, which are then stacked and sorted one by one. Applying the label in this way allows automatic plate readers to be used, protects the barcode from scratches and spills, and ensures the label remains attached to the base containing the sample, should the lid become dislodged.
Labelmaster II ® is supplied with an integrated PC and touch screen for complete label customisation. Each label has the capacity to feature seven parameters, two of which are compulsory. 20 parameters are available in total and include sample or patient name, media type, name of flora, analysis date, dilution/strain, inocula volume and incubation temperature.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Don Whitley Scientific View Company Information

Posted on September 11, 2008