Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

June 2010 CLSI Guidelines in BIOMIC V3 Microbiology System

The June 2010 M100-S20 CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) guidelines are updated in the BIOMIC V3 software. Antibiotic disk diffusion test results are checked by the Resistance Monitoring Center™ for all resistance mechanisms, report appropriate comments, and flag unlikely results. New updates include:
  • New interpretive criteria for doripenem for Enterobacteriaceae

  • Revised interpretive criteria for ertapenem, imipenem, and meropenem for Enterobacteriaceae

  • Guidance for use of the modified Hodge test (MHT) with revised interpretive criteria for carbapenems
BIOMIC V3's advanced color digital imaging technology automates the reading, interpretation, and reporting of CLSI, EUCAST, and BSAC antibiotic disk diffusion tests, Etests® (bioMerieux), and commercial identification panels including RapIDTM (Remel), API® (bioMerieux), BBLTM CrystalTM (BD).

The addition of a bar code reader coupled with bi-directional LIS/LIMS interface capability further speeds workflow. BIOMIC V3 serves as a primary or secondary AST-ID system for microbiology laboratories of all sizes and setups.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Giles Scientific Inc. View Company Information

Posted on August 3, 2010