Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Laboratory Work Out with Resource Planner

To help laboratories raise productivity through better resource tracking and planning, a new software package called 'Resource Planner' has just been unveiled by Autoscribe. This highly intuitive system delivers rapid results and is easy to operate.

Often in a laboratory, new tasks arrive at different times and, in some cases, resources are lost. This complex and time consuming process places a significant drain on resources and planning. To address this need, Resource Planner uses 'what-if' scenarios by recalculating work completion times, and adjusting the priority of tasks accordingly.

Resource Planner looks at any new or outstanding laboratory task and suggests an optimal plan for completion based on workload priority, task completion times, and resource availability. Short term planning is achieved through automatic weekly scheduling and work sheet generation, whilst longer term planning is possible through due date checking and task completion time allocation.

Resource Planner identifies expertise and instrument availability, and even the appropriate member of staff assigned to a specific task. Information is also presented in clear, highly intuitive graphs for quick and easy assessment.

Built using the latest Microsoft.NET framework, Resource Planner has the look and feel of Matrix LIMS, Autoscribe's primary laboratory management system. It uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to generate plans for maximum performance and results in the workplace.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Autoscribe Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on March 15, 2004