Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Customers Confirm Matrix LIMS a Success

'Matrix LIMS is one of the most functional, highly reliable and well supported laboratory management software solutions available today.' Those are the findings of a recent customer survey conducted by leading UK software developer, Autoscribe.

Twenty nine Matrix LIMS customers from the UK and North America responded to the survey, carried out in Autumn 2003. Autoscribe received a positive scoring of 81 per cent on the question of product functionality, 83 per cent for product reliability, 94 per cent for support response, and 89 per cent for support accuracy. Twenty one customers also said that they would buy Matrix again - an extremely high result for a LIMS developer.

It is standard practice for Autoscribe to canvass customer opinion on a regular basis. This helps the company understand the expectations of its customers and helps focus efforts towards the product and service developments of the future.

Matrix LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) is the company's primary software solution, used in the organisation of laboratory processes throughout the world. Key features include its advanced functionality and high configurability to suit a wide range if applications. Customer support is further enhanced through an annual LIMS user meeting, organised by Autoscribe to update customers on current developments.

Autoscribe is expanding further into new market areas with a new range of management software solutions such as Training Manager, and Feedback (customer complaints manager). To take account of this growth and demand, the company recently relocated to new larger purpose built premises in Riseley, Berkshire.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Autoscribe Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on February 11, 2004