Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

What Should You Look For When Choosing a LIMS

More than 50% of all LIMS projects fail. Make sure yours is not one of them! If you are buying or upgrading your LIMS system then you are entitled to expect the following from your LIMS vendor:

Guaranteed Upgrade path and Backward Compatibility
Matrix Gemini™ upgrades are backwardly compatible and have been since the very first version of Matrix LIMS was introduced 16 years ago despite the massive changes in software and hardware technologies and the product. The Autoscribe policy of no core code customisation, but a high degree of configurability, is key to the continual upgrade path.

User Benefits
Matrix LIMS is proven to grow with both small and large businesses. New features and new technology are accessible without the need to change systems.

Configuration Tools
Autoscribe pioneered the use of configuration tools in 1996 and they have been regularly upgraded during the past 10 years. They are still unique and the best. Matrix Gemini uniquely provides enhanced OneTime Configuration™ tools that automatically create a unified LIMS configuration for both desktop client and web use without the requirement to use programming, java or esoteric scripting languages.

The configuration tools provide massive flexibility and Matrix Gemini may be tailored for a wide variety of industries and applications including the creation of business systems such as customer complaints management, support management and document management.

Neither programming nor a knowledge of programming and esoteric scripting languages is required. The tools are therefore usable by a customer and customer developed configurations are fully supported by Autoscribe (compare this to a system that is configured by writing code or using esoteric, programming scripted languages).

User Benefits
Matrix Gemini is easily configured to meet user requirements without custom code.
Matrix Gemini is easy to update to meet new business needs and we have a 16 year track record of doing this.
The LIMS Configuration has no negative impact on system support or upgradeability. We support EVERYTHING that a customer configures including all their web and desktop client screens.

System Scalability
Matrix systems are scalable from single user sample tracking systems to full fun global/enterprise LIMS involving many hundreds of users or anywhere in between.

Matrix systems are suitable for small companies, individual departments within a company, large companies and/or enterprise organisations.

Matrix systems may be used in any laboratory in any industry whether regulated or not.

User Benefits
The same software can be used in large central laboratories as well as small one-man laboratories in remote locations thus providing standardisation throughout the organisation.
The above leads to better understanding between laboratories and a consolidated approach to user and system manager training.
Support and upgrade costs are kept to a realistic level.
The above benefits illustrate the real way to standardise with a LIMS be careful of other claims!

System Stability and Reliability
Matrix LIMS has an unmatched record for customer satisfaction. This is monitored on an annual basis and copies of the surveys are available on request.
100% of respondents to the 2005 survey stated that they would buy Matrix again if given the choice.

User Benefits
Maximises the use of the system.
Good relationship ..a business partnership .. between Autoscribe and the user community. Autoscribe is dedicated to developing, marketing, selling and supporting LIMS systems unlike many other vendors.

System Technology
Matrix Gemini has been developed in a pure Microsoft ..NET framework thus following the Microsoft direction exactly.
Matrix Gemini OneTime Configuration tools AUTOMATICALLY create the SAME screen for client-server and web clients.
Windows, Web and wireless portable clients may be mixed and matched as required.
The attractive licensing scheme allows users to utilize their LIMS license anytime, anywhere.
In addition, screens may be minaturised using the configuration tools for use with hand held devices such as pocket PCs (IPAQ's, Dell Axim etc.) and wireless tablet PCs.

User Benefits
Development of Matrix Gemini is in line with Microsoft strategy thus providing protection of investment.
Matrix Gemini be used any place any time.
Matrix Gemini can be configured anyway you like it to completely meet your user requirements - right down to screen buttons, labels and language.

Multi-Database/Group Capability
Any number of separate databases and groups can be created within one Matrix system.
Each database can have it s own independent design. Different commercial databases can be used on the same system also.

User Benefits
Widely varying requirements can be accommodated on the same system e.g. different departments within a large organisation can have a separate existence on the same Matrix system.
The databases can also be used e.g. for active samples, archived samples and for training /development / validation purposes.

Even More Unique System Functions
An unlimited number of differently designed sample registration screens can be used on one Matrix system. This means that there are no compromises and that each registration screen is designed for a specific purpose i.e. no optional fields or irrelevant fields, leading to a user friendly system.
An unlimited number of sample numbering schemes can be accommodated in a single system.
Limits can be set at sample, test and product level and, if applicable, for stability samples separately.
Species and country specific limits may also be easily set.

System Development
Autoscribe involves customers in steering group meetings in order to ensure that the customer voice is heard when decisions for future developments are being taken. This is part of the Company strategy to involve our customers in a business partnership scenario.

System Implementation
Implementation is not out-sourced and therefore there is no abdication of responsibility.
One contract covers supply of software and the implementation services.

System Support
Always direct contact with a technical expert on one of our help-desks.
No off-shore support and no use of 0870 numbers.
No web based logging of calls.
Just professional and responsive service.

Autoscribe Consultancy Services
Preparation of system requirements documentation.
Unique tools for creating prototype examples to illustrate screens that may be used to satisfy requirements.

Autoscribe Financing - Flexibility of Choice
Conventional payment for licences and services.
Annual rental to include implementation, support and supply of upgrades.
Price per sample registered.

Fixed price quotations once user requirements are understood and agreed with the customer.
Formal change control system.

A Total LIMS Service
The combination of the above reasons provides a unique offering in the LIMS business.
Matrix Gemini is:
Better by Design
Faster to Implement
Easier to Use and Support
Designed for Business Changes
Matrix Gemini is a pure Microsoft .NET product and not a mixture of other technologies, it provides the benefits of close integration between the Windows operating system and web technology so that you can move ahead with confidence.

For further information and a free whitepaper on:
How to buy (and how not to buy) a LIMS System, please contact: Autoscribe UK Ltd.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Autoscribe Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on January 9, 2006