Puritan CDC recommended specimen collection devices for Brid Flu H5N1

BioConnections Expands Culture Media Range

Culture media from BioConnections

BioConnections has been supplying its range of microbiology products to UK healthcare laboratories for over 10 years. The range of dehydrated culture media and supplements has been expanded to include many formulations used by industrial laboratories.

The achievement of ISO9001:2000/UKAS Quality Management 003 demonstrates the company's commitment to quality and service.

The media is manufactured in the U.K. under the supervision of a team of microbiologists with decades of experience in developing and producing media for food microbiologists. The team can claim to have been the first to bring media like Buffered Peptone Water, Rappaport's broths and semi-solid salmonella media to market in the U.K.

Amongst other products in the BioConnections range are identification tests based on pre-formed enzyme detection and a rapid ( 2 hour) Clostridium perfringens detection test. Immunochromatography tests for E. coli 0157 and waterborne pathogens such as cryptosporidia and giardia have recently been launched .

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : BioConnections View Company Information

Posted on September 25, 2003