Charles River Endosafe Cartridge Technology

Cofrac Authorization for Rapid Methods in Water Microbiology

Rapid methods in water microbiology are mainly used in the area of self regulation for the following types of water: process water (production of water for human consumption), bathing water, thermal water, cooling towers.

Based upon a presentation of the AFNOR VALIDATION Scheme as well as a description of its Technical Board dealing with water microbiology (the expertise of members, principles of certification, validation protocol used…) the members of the Technical Accreditation Commission 'Chemistry and Environment' decided to approve this accreditation.

Consequently, Cofrac (comite francais d'accreditation) has authorized accreditation of laboratories using AFNOR validated kits on condition that:
    1) Validation has been conducted by comparing the kit with a standardized reference method

    2) The laboratory using the kit has been accredited upon the reference method (or required simultaneously an extension of accreditation for the reference method)

    3) The technical protocol of the kit enters the area of competence of the technical assessor

Water microbiology assessors will be appointed in order to assess this activity. The laboratory assessment should be done according to the requirements stated in the EN ISO/CEI 17025 standard, paying particular attention to the competence of the staff, to the equipment management and to the quality assurance of the results.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : AFNOR View Company Information

Posted on July 13, 2010