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Neogen's NeoColumn™ for Aflatoxin DR Receives AOAC Approval

Neogen Corporation has earned Performance Tested Method approval from the AOAC Research Institute for its NeoColumn™ for Aflatoxin DR. The approval was granted after extensive independent evaluations on both direct read fluorometry and HPLC for both corn and peanuts.

Neogen's newly-approved NeoColumn for Aflatoxin DR (AOAC-RI 081002) is an immunoaffinity column that isolates total aflatoxins in commodities such as corn, corn by-products, peanuts and tree nuts. Aflatoxin is toxic for humans and a carcinogenic substance.

'We are very pleased that AOAC has confirmed the accuracy and quality of our NeoColumn for Aflatoxin system,' said Ed Bradley, Neogen's vice president of Food Safety. 'Neogen's tests for mycotoxins have set the gold standard for many years, and this industry-recognized approval will allow us access to select laboratories and institutions that prefer AOAC validations for their testing products.'

In NeoColumn for Aflatoxin DR, the toxin is extracted from a ground sample by blending and filtering before the extracted toxin is diluted and applied to the column. Positive pressure is used to induce flow through the column, allowing the antibody to capture any aflatoxin present. Bound aflatoxin is eluted using 100% methanol and collected in a test tube and either evaluated using direct read fluorometry or users' preferred HPLC method.

In addition to its test kits for aflatoxin, Neogen produces natural toxin test kits for DON, fumonisin, ochratoxin, T-2/HT-2, zearalenone and histamine.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Neogen Corp. View Company Information

Posted on September 9, 2010