rapidmicrobiology eNewsletter - 23rd November 2021.
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Featured News
nanoComposix Gold Nanoparticles
As one of the world’s largest gold nanoparticle manufacturers, we can leverage our scaled production to produce the highest quality and lowest priced gold colloid for rapid diagnostic tests. No commercial use license is required for our gold colloid products – simply purchase and use.  more... 
MAT workflow
The Monocyte Activation Test (MAT) is destined to replace rabbit pyrogen testing in the EU and elsewhere. See our recommended step-by-step workflow for easy implementation in your lab.  more... 
SY LAB AMP-6000 Automated Microbiological Enumeration Platform
The platform enables automation of the MPN technique for microbial enumerations using microplates, automated pipetting, and a scanner system to detect color or fluorescence changes in special nutrient media used for the growth of the target microbes.   more... 
Promitec 10
The Promitec 10 is a compact and semi-automated instrument for performing single tests in the field of personal care products and cosmetics testing using specifically designed software for automated data analysis.  more... 
FDA cleared MTS
Liofilchem has received clearance from the FDA to market the Piperacillin-tazobactam 0.016/4-256/4 MTS™ (MIC Test Strip) in the United States.  more... 
PCR testing for Legionella
Study shows that BIOTECON Diagnostics’s PCR has the highest specificity in identifying Legionella colonies, as verified by MALDI-TOF.   more... 
TANBead Maelstrom 4800 automated nucleic acid purification and isolation
This short video compares manual versus automated nucleic acid preparation.   more... 
Compact Dry Listeria monocytogenes detection from R Biopharm
Find out how to eliminate blind spots when monitoring manufacturing lines
Neogen One Broth One Plate Innovative Culture Media Method for Pathogen Detection
Microbial air sampling in Isolators and RABS from MBV
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Featured Product
Bioperfectus Human Papillomavirus Genotyping Real Time PCR Kit

Key to curing cervical cancer, regular HPV screening will greatly reduce the chance of the infection. Bioperfectus Human Papillomavirus Real-Time PCR Kit is able to detect 96 samples in 100 minutes with the ability to respectively report HPV-16 and HPV-18 as primary evidence for cervical cancer screening. Bioperfectus Human Papillomavirus Genotyping Real-Time PCR Kit is designed to precisely detect 21 genotypes of HPV for further triage and treatment with reliable clinical performance.
On-demand Webinar: <em>in situ</em> Hybridization for Rapid Microbial Detection

The HybriScan® test system uses in situ hybridization to provide fast and accurate detection, identification, and quantification of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in beverages, water, and food. Watch this on-demand webinar to find out more.

 Find out more 
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